Life has sped by since this blog was started in May! Now that our closed season has arrived, I will start updating this blog as needed to keep you informed of various events and happenings. I also started a "Twitter" which you can link to from this blog site. You can read the last few Twitters in the righthand column of this blogsite. Our website links to this blog and you can find a link back to the website, as well our our email address near the top of that righthand column.
I hope you enjoy the blog and website, and find it informative. Also, for many of you that know my photography I will begin to post my photos here on the blog for you to enjoy. There is also a link in the website under the "Our Area" tab for a photo gallery of the area and the Park. That photo gallery will be updated probably just once a year. And, since I am informing you about visual updates, the "Lake Cam" on our website will be up and running soon. We actually had it running earlier this year and it looked great! But a change in computer operating system required us to put the Lake Cam on hold until we had time for research another camera and posting option. Soon, very soon, I hope to have the Lake Cam running so you can enjoy all the seasons at Topaz Lake!